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Creative Critical Reflection #3 Draft

My production skills definitely became better during this project. I learned to use new Adobe software, such as InDesign. Having previous experience with Adobe programs, such as Photoshop, helped make the process an easier task, but I had to learn some new techniques in order to fit the conventions of other sports magazines. For instance, learning to justify text and place them in a certain layout that fits that of a magazine. Or, learning to export certain at certain resolutions so that the magazine is of high quality. Another production skill that was improved was communication. Since this was a group project, communication was one of our biggest factors in creating our magazine. I had to learn to work with the group to take everyone's ideas and come up with an overall plan that would incorporate everything we had come up with. Also, learning to work as a journalist. The process of creating an article and learning to gather information so I could write about my topic was new to me. I improved my skills by teaching myself to develop question, interview people, then take the information I had retrieved and put it onto paper. This was a long, intricate process putting a magazine together and many things were learned on the way to making the final product.
