Many different types of technologies were in this project. Our main asset was our computers. Microsoft Office programs, like Word and Excel, were also used in the pre-production stages of the magazine since we were creating layouts for out pages and writing out our article rough draft before creating our actual first draft.All of the editing to the magazine was done through Adobe programs like InDesign and Photoshop, which are top of the line programs to produce a magazine. Another piece of tech that was necessary for us was a camera. Cameras were what made out magazines come to life, since photos are one of the most essential parts of a magazine. To make the photos look more professional, another Adobe program that was used was Lightroom. This made the photos from sports events look top notch. Then for uploading pictures, Google Drive came in handy so I wouldn't have to worry about saving space on my flash drive or if something had happened to it. Also, my phone surprisingly came into play a lot. For interviewing athletes, I was able to use Voice Memos app to record our entire conversation so I could refer back to what the players had said and make my article. Not only did I record on my phone, but I also used it for photo storage, which made it easier to send it to my email.
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